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Snowy Forest

Confirm your unique leadership voice and style.

The Story


Apprenticeship | Content | The Story

The world is so big—
Perhaps we could

volunteer . . . 

To step off the edge

A dynamic equilibrium of scholarship, practice, and integration

There is a hunger for a return of natural human wildness reflected in the great interest in indigenous teachings and such phenomenon as the rewilding and permaculture movements. Intrinsic to this is an necessary inclusion of rewilding our relationship to the sacred. Dagara Elder Malidoma Somé has called ritual a "technology of the sacred." It is the social component of permaculture and the soul component of rewilding.


Storytelling, dance, music, ceremony, healing work—all of these are in the realm of ritual. This scholarship, including theory, and especially praxis, is meant to both extend your knowledge as a generalist and to confirm the unique character of your own style as it refines.

Spoken of from the perspective of the Dagara elements, it is meant to revive and reinforce a robust sensibility about home and welcome, myth and wild genius, grief and reconciliation, ancestors and creativity, trickster wisdom and healing. These correspond to the five Dagara elements of Earth, Mineral, Water, Fire and Nature.

You're invited to join a fellowship. As Seth Godin notes, "It's hard to imagine something more reassuring, challenging, and productive [than a fellowship] all at once." This reassuring confirms sacred education as a process that reawakens what has been called "the knowledge in your bones." Challenge, there will be plenty enough of—it is intrinsic to the ongoing emergence of the wild genius. And productive, well . . .

Producing ritual programs that you will also be participants in, gatekeepers to, and initiates of, will put you into the awkwardness that well reflects the liminal nature of wild ritual. The test of "productivity" here means an increasing state of resourcefulness, sustainability, agility. It is meant to be practical. It is meant to make your life "larger," as one of my wise teachers once said.


Apprenticeship | Content | Curriculum

"Because one day yo


Towards the centre

Which was not you

And you planted

Some seeds

Sang songs

for the Holy

Rachelle Lamb
"Rickety Spoke"

What is covered in the course of the study?

The curriculum delivery reflects a tension between "principle centred" and "curiosity driven." What this means in practice is that it is able to respond with appropriate agility to the real circumstances of participant's lives and the promptings of the spirit world while simultaneously building the foundational blocks of knowledge.

Below are some of the touch points, and also topics will emerge as needed as well.

Undertaking the Funeral of Trailblazing​

The Knowledge of Protection and Talismanic Medicine

Helpers from the Other World: Totems Allies and Ancestors

Panpsychism in a Cosmos of Elements


The Singular Hero and the Dreamtime of Communitas

Trancing in and Trancing out: Consciousness and the Apparent

Mythic Nature and the Living World: Archetypes, Gods and Giants


Civilization, Agriculture, Empire and Colonization

Welcoming Medicine and the Earth Spirits

Anatomy of a Ritual

The Lost Forever Dragon and the Wellspring of Sorrow

Emotional Navigation: Complexes, Neurosis, Desire, Longing

Grief and Praise: Poetry, Oratory,

Logos, Eros, Feminine, Masculine


Cultural Appropriation, Cultural Emergency, Cultural Legacy

Wild Genius and the Problem with Daimons

Divination, Navigation, Feeding the Holy


Waters of Life and Waters of Death

Royalty, Warriors, Lovers and the Lost Forever Dragon

Taboos, Allegiances, Meaning and Freedom


Reweaving the Tapestry of Wilderness


Vision, Current Reality, Creative Process, Art

Slow Self Care and Urgent Boundaries

Choreography, Movement, Complexity, Homeostasis


Edges, Centres, Squircles and the Authority of Initiation

Resume of the Spirit, Resume of the Soul

Earning and Claiming Territory


Opportunistic Facilitation and Emergent Curriculum

Group Dynamics and Keeping Tabs in High Tolerance Arenas 

Trickster Wisdom and the Necessity of Humour



Apprenticeship | Content |Activities

Oh muse,

Must you strike

in morning rush hour?

In the midst of pancakes

cooking . . . school

lunches packing

lego pieces finding

Could you not come in the


Moments of the day

to whisper in my ear

your sweet kisses?

Rowena Coshan

A multi-faceted experiential and theoretical investigation of the sacred


Your one-on-one coaching time

  • A 60 minute call once a month booked online

  • Additional calls within limits

  • Private online working platform . . . gateway at:

  • Confidential


  • Community participation 1 hour per week

  • Personal practice approximately 1 hour per week

  • Journalling and notes recommended


Saturdays | 8:00 am to 10:00 am

GMT +8 | Australian Western Standard Time

[Fridays | 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

GMT -8 | Pacific Standard or  4:00 pm DST]

  • Approximately 40 calls per year

  • Check-in

  • Reading Discussion

  • Event Development

  • Personal coaching

  • Group discussion

  • Weekly shared practice


Ritual Planning, Community Outreach, Delivery

  • Understand the structure of rituals

  • Participate as initiates and gatekeepers

  • Practice communicating about ritual

  • Organizing ritual is a key element of ritual

  • Tuition is subsidized by this commitment


Also included is the tuition portion of live events (additional at cost for food and accommodation)

NOTE: In person events are subject to gathering restrictions being lifted as vaccine rollout success.​


Each calendar year there is a goal to have one major initiation in each of Australia and Canada:

  • Understand the structure of deep ritual

  • Participate as initiates and gatekeepers

  • Practice communicating about ritual

  • Radical Healing and Initiation Ritual

Possibilities are Grief Ritual, Earth Burial, Life Purpose, Deep Myth and Ritual, Nature Weekend.



Apprenticeship | Content | Outcomes
green blue mist.jpg

"Life is sculpting you with 



hands of Love


This is the pathless path

This is the journey

into the Wild"

Maya Luna
"Into the Wild"

What is ritual leadership vocation and service?

Some of many possible examples of subjects that you, as a practitioner, could work with using these skills:

EARTH — issues of welcoming, boundaries, abundance, and community.

MINERAL — working with life purpose, creating, initiation practice and leadership.

WATER — movement, emotion, grief, attention, relating.

FIRE — ancestors, myth, ceremony, traditional knowledge.

NATURE — initiation, play, totems, nature immersion, ritual, divination, talismanic technologies, shrines.

Applying the knowledge of ritual literacy means bringing back something meaningful and helpful to community.


A leader, healer, or facilitator of "sacred space" events can (and must!) apply the traditional cultural understandings of the above issues in their own way, suited to their own proclivities and community sensibilities. We are not after some kind of "purity," rather, meaningful application and change that is helpful to actual people.

Because a foundational principle is the idea that each person has their own unique connection with the Other World and nature, the idea is that unique forms of practice and work will emerge or refine from the process, incorporating individual particular influences and talents. 

There can't be bland promises of success and accomplishment. We will encounter trouble and setbacks.


But it will be worthy. We'll jump up alive.

Wild Genius | Apprenticeship | Content
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